1.Domain: Child Care and Development

The wealth of a nation is not so much in its economic and natural resources, but it lies more clearly in the kind and quality of the wealth of its children and of his youth. They will be the creators and shapers of the future of a nation.  

Today’s children will be adults of tomorrow. Their quality and personality will determine the kind of destiny that guides the nation. Every children has basic fundamental rights to grow in their lives, hence as Indian citizen we all have responsible provide care and protection and overall development of every child. 

The convention identifies a child as a human being below the age of 18. The CRC acknowledges that every child is entitled to fundamental rights, and some of the most important rights are as follows:

  1. Right to life, survival and development.
  2. Right to education that facilitates them to reach their full potential.
  3. Right to protection from abuse, violence or neglect.
  4. Right to express opinions and be heard. 
  5. Right to be raised by or have a relationship with their parents.

UNCRC 4 Principles: Non-discrimination. Devotion to the best interests of the child. The right to life and survival and development.

 Focus Areas: Child Care and Development 

  • Provision of home-based care to children who in need of care and protection
  • Providing formal education, nutrition, health and comprehensive services for children in institutional care
  • Continuation of Support for higher education, skill building and career guidance for children graduated from institutional care till they get settled in life.
  • Strengthening of community level child protection mechanisms & promoting family based care and protection for (Orphans & Semi Orphan) children.

2.Domain: Education

A child foremost right is Right to Education, every child must attend the formal school acquire quality of education. Improve their grade pacific learning competences life skills, particularly to enhance the fundamental literacy and numeracy, basic skills reading, writing and mathematics.   

The National (NEP 2020) Education Policy enriching students learning outcomes through fundamental literacy and numeracy its notes the significance of early learning. It asserts, “Our highest priority is to achieve universal foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) in primary school by 2025.

 Focus areas:  Education  

  • Promotion of age-appropriate leaning and development among pre-school children.
  • Establishing Learning centers to provide evening tuitions in communities.
  • Imparting Life skills education and career counselling to children.
  • Promoting digital education among children to mitigate digital divided.


3.Domain: Migration

 Focus areas: Migration 

  • DMRC: Establishing a District Migrant Resource Centre for migrants with information, communication and education (IEC) materials on social security schemes and entitlements, especially for the benefit of the most marginalized communities
  • Creating awareness: Educating Migrant communities and workers on safe migration and state and central government schemes and entitlements for their safety and welfare.   
  • Safe Migration: Worker protection in migration is a critical aspect that needs to be addressed to safeguard the rights and welfare of migrant workers. Migration involves the movement of workers from one state to another within a country, and it poses specific challenges and vulnerabilities that require appropriate protection and education. 
  • Social security schemes: Social security schemes play a crucial role in providing financial and social protection to migrant workers, who often face unique challenges and vulnerabilities due to their mobility and the temporary nature of work the DMRC is facilitating migrants to avail schemes through interface, collaboration advocacy and influencing.